Atlas Honda Limited is a public limited company listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). It is a joint venture between Shirazi Investments (Private) Limited (SIL) and Honda Motor Company Limited, with SIL holding 52.43% of issued, subscribed and paid-up capital. The Company operates in Pakistan and is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of motorcycles, spare parts and engine oil. The registered office of the Company is located at Lahore whereas its manufacturing & assembly facilities are located at Karachi and Sheikhupura.
The Company serves the needs of automotive sector in Pakistan. The Company's customers mainly include dealers and institutions. The Company manufactures and sells various types of motorcycles in the categories of 70cc, 100cc, 125cc and 150cc through nation-wide network of dealers. The Company also markets motorcycle parts and offers after-sale service through its dealer network.
Does your company follow a human rights policy? Yes/no If yes, do they cover suppliers and vendors?
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
Corporate Social Responsibility Centre of Pakistan
Relevant certification
GRI 2021
Frequency/incident rates of injury
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
LRQA Limited
Relevant certification
ISO 45001:2018
Expenditures on employee health and safety as a proportion of revenue
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
LRQA Limited
Relevant certification
ISO 45001:2018
Average hours of training that the organization’s employees have undertaken during the reporting period by Employee category.
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
LRQA Limited
Relevant certification
ISO 9001:2015
Disclosed Commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
Corporate Social Responsibility Centre of Pakistan
Relevant certification
GRI 2021
Proportion of women in the company’s workforce
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
Corporate Social Responsibility Centre of Pakistan
Relevant certification
GRI 2021
Policy or strategy on remuneration
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
Corporate Social Responsibility Centre of Pakistan
Relevant certification
GRI 2021
Offer parental leave
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Anti-Harassment Policy
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
Corporate Social Responsibility Centre of Pakistan
Relevant certification
GRI 2021
Does the company have a policy/ code to evaluate labour rights and standards across the value chain?
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
Relevant certification
ISO 45001:2018
Percentage of suppliers periodically evaluated for social impact
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
Corporate Social Responsibility Centre of Pakistan
Relevant certification
GRI 2021
Total amount of voluntary donations and investment of funds ( both capital intensive and and operating ones in the broader community where the target beneficiaries are external to the enterprise
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
Corporate Social Responsibility Centre of Pakistan
Relevant certification
GRI 2021
Percentage of YoY change for full time employees Percentage of YoY change for part time employees Percentage of YoY change for contractors and/or consultants
Management Approach
Is the data publicly available, if so where
Signatory to a framework
Corporate Social Responsibility Centre of Pakistan
Relevant certification
GRI 2021